SABBATH SCHOOL CLASSES AND CHURCH are open for in-person worship.  The children’s SS classes begin at 9:45 am and church service starts at 11:00 am Saturday mornings.  Please join us if you are able.  You can also join us on Facebook Live or on Zoom.

Join us on July 20, 2024 at 11:00 am. Let's discover together what God has in store for us this week


Links -  Facebook Live


Praying Together News
July and August

  • Register Early for Prayer Summit for a Discount
  • 4th Friday
  • Digital Prayer Ministry
  • Prayer for Pentecost 2025
  • Prayer list

Early Bird Discount for "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" Prayer Summit
If you are the prayer leader, elder, or pastor in your church, this early bird registration is for you. We hope you sign up early to make sure you are there. This Prayer Summit will help you receive training from Professors and Pastors Joseph Kidder, David Jamieson, and Shintell Izquierdo, that will bring vibrancy and more prayer and unity in your church. Register by August 31 for the October 4-6 Prayer Summit and receive a $15 discount off the cost. This includes two nights at Camp MiVoden and 6 meals. Following August 31 the cost is $155 per person, which is still a great price. 

We are praying for every church prayer leader or prayer group leader to be there. We are excited about this special time to "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" and learn how prayer will be instrumental in bringing more people closer to Jesus and how to share this with your church. Go here for more speaker info and to register.  

Printable Flyers for your Church for the Prayer Summit Prayer Summit | Upper Columbia Conference ( scroll down to resources.

4th Friday
Calling All prayer leaders of all prayer groups and church prayer leaders. Let's pray together Friday July 26 from 7 to 8 p.m. I want to meet each prayer leader and pray with you. It's a great time to share what your church is doing as well. The next 4th Friday will be August 23, 2024. 
Be ready to answer this question: Do you have, or does a prayer warrior you know, have a sermon on prayer to share? Is there someone you know who has been blessed with a message on prayer?

Join 4th Friday Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 4078 5330  Passcode: 731959

Digital Prayer Ministry
Thank you for praying for our five churches working on Digital Prayer Ministry. We are ready to schedule ads to be created. For churches that want a final zoom meeting to solidify your team, we will meet with you! Just call Prayer Ministries at (509) 242-0512 to schedule. Please pray for this program to be successful in each community in bringing people to Jesus. The churches include Pasco Riverview, Grangeville, Lewiston, Spokane Central, and West Plaines Community. For more information about this ministry go to:

Praying for Pentecost 2025
When I first received an email about Pentecost 2025, I was excited! Here in UCC we have been praying for the Holy Spirit to be poured out powerfully on every man and woman and boy and girl. This emphasis now in the North American Division office is a direct answer to prayer. Let is all pray for their team to effectively share this with all the unions and conferences in the North American Division. And let us be effective in participating! I believe you are all primed to do this.

You may ask, "what are we being asked to do?" Prayer leaders are being asked to cover this program with prayer on Wednesday and Sabbath. There is a topic for each month assigned to a specific union, but I'm recommending we all pray for every topic. You can see a quick view of the Holy Spirit topics: Pentecost Topics.  In other words, let us be intentional and pray for these specific Holy Spirit topics in our prayer groups, prayer meetings, Sabbath Schools, and Sabbath Worship. Please mark these topics on your calendars, your website, or however you wish to do this, to keep your prayer groups focused on this.

Pentecost 2025 was Introduced by Eric Brown (UCC Ministerial Director) at Camp Meeting on Sabbath morning during Sabbath School. The presentation is at 19:00 minutes into this video: 
To immerse yourself into the complete concept go to the North American Division website for Pentecost 2025:  And see their prayer focus page at

It is God's will that we proclaim the Gospel. And it is God's will that we pray for His Holy Spirit. So this program is God's will and Divinely inspired. Let us be in unity with all of our brothers and sisters and pray like we have never prayed before for the Holy Spirit to fall on everyone in UCC and beyond.

The NAD prayer team would like to know how many are committing to pray for Pentecost 2025. Just like the Bible records that Peter spoke to 120 who were praying in the upper room, and that day 3,000 souls were baptized, the NAD would like to know how many will commit to praying. I'm going to ask for that information from you in the next Praying Together News.
This and That!
Donations: Do you want to help others go to the yearly prayer summit? (see above) Perhaps you can sponsor a speaker for $155 or half of that. And each year some prayer leaders need sponsorship. Sometimes their church can assist, but if you can donate $50, $30, or $75 toward the Prayer Summit, you can donate on the registration page at Or donate through your church and mark your tithe envelope UCC Prayer Ministries Prayer Summit Donation. 

Idaho Sonshine: You can sign up to pray with people at a health clinic called Idaho Sonshine this coming to the fairgrounds in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, September 18-20. If interested, go to

UCC In the Word and Conversations with God
The "Conversations With God" Evening Prayer Room is now reading in Jeremiah. If you'd like to join in listening or reading the word together Sunday through Friday nights at 8:30 p.m. go to:

MeetingID: 817 3750 6481 Passcode: 433052 

Prayer List for July and August, 2024
(For a complete prayer list for each week:

~ Praying Together News is prepared by the Upper Columbia Conference Prayer Ministries Coordinator, Kathy Marson. 

Resource Links For Prayer Leaders
These links help you find important information about prayer. For the zoom locations, the link simply takes you to our prayer calendar where you will find the link embedded on each day. Keep the calendar handy to participate.
For prayer stories —
For Digital Prayer Ministry  —
Morning Prayer Zoom room —
Weekly Wednesday Warriors — same link as above
4th Friday -- same link as above
Participate in Reading the Bible every day — same link as above
Prayer Resources  — Find at Vertical Resources
Prayer Request Form — On the UCC Home Page

Please invite friends to subscribe to this newsletter. They can send their name and email addresses to to sign up. Praying Together News seeks to encourage prayer in as many ways as possible in churches and small groups!


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The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a mainstream Protestant church with approximately 19 million members worldwide, including more than one million members in North America. The Adventist Church operates 173 hospitals and sanitariums and more than 7,500 schools around the world. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) works within communities in more than 130 countries to provide community development and disaster relief.