
Bulletin Information July 20, 2024


Lesson Study

Bible Study Sanctuary- 



Memory Text:  “Then He said to them, ‘Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given. For whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him’ ” (Mark 4:2425, NKJV).

Read for This Week’s Study:     Mark 4:1–34James 1:21Isa. 6:1–13Ps. 104:12Dan. 4:10–12.



Church at Worship

11:00 AM

Call to Worship: Jenny & Friends

Church Life: Gene McClintock

Offering: Gene McClintock
”UCC Advance”

Children's Story: Twyla Burch

Praise & Worship: Jenny & Friends

Prayer: Gene McClintock

Special Music: Kallyanna & Aubriann

Sermon: Dennis Rainey

Thank you for placing your phones on SILENT MODE during all meetings.


Link to the Announcements.

 LIVE STREAMING - Those leading out in Sabbath School and Church Services, will be broadcast (live streamed) as a ministry to the community.  The church supports live streaming that only pictures "up front" presentations without children or the audience.

As we gather together to worship God in this sacred place,

we feel uplifted and supported when we share our mutual joys and

sorrows in the form of prayer requests.